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2011��08��18�� 11:06����Դ���й������������뻥��(0)���������壺���� ��С��

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����And just now, he once again stressed that HKU is a university ��built for China and the world���� I echo Vice-Chancellor Tsui��s view. Indeed, HKU is for Hong Kong, attracting talents and educating people to promote Hong Kong��s prosperity. HKU is for China. It has become a key higher-education institution in China, playing an increasingly important role in China��s development and its integration with the world. And HKU is also for the world, becoming an integral part of the world��s academic community in advancing human knowledge. As the University of Hong Kong is proudly celebrating its first one hundred years, I strongly believe that the next one hundred years of the university will be even better��


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