


2021年08月26日 16:49 来源:雷竟技平台 参与互动参与互动








Ignorant error or smear, the U.S. knows it

By John Lee

(ECNS) -- Due to the poor translation of a report released by the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs in August 2021, the budgets of the Security Service Procurement Project and the Central Air Conditioning Renovation Project of the Wuhan Institute of Virology were exaggerated to roughly 1.28 million and 606 million U.S. dollars respectively, about 10 and 1,000 times the actual numbers. Unexpectedly, the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post quoted these data without verification in order to frame the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Of course, this is not the first time that the U.S. has tried to frame China. For instance, the U.S. has done whatever it takes to make the Wuhan Institute of Virology doubtable. The Intelligence Community (IC) of the U.S. will submit the so-called COVID-19 origin tracing report as required by President Joe Biden in May 2021. Such an anti-scientific way of virus origin-tracing is very rare in human history.

Origin tracing is a serious scientific issue which may take several or a dozen years, which is a consensus of the scientific community. The IC's investigation report forced by an executive order has violated scientific laws, which is by no means useful for COVID-19 origin tracing. However, the international community is accustomed to the U.S. practices of ignoring facts and indoctrinating others, relying on its international power.

Meanwhile, the IC has lost public trust for its notorious record. It was a complicit in the war against Iraq. Its Operation Mockingbird in the 1940s recruited journalists to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes, etc. The investigation into the origin tracing conducted by such an organization has no doubt stained science.

What's more, evidence shows that Wuhan was not the first place invaded by the novel coronavirus. According to the U.S. Department of the Agriculture, coronavirus anti-bodies had been detected in white-tailed deer in the U.S. in 2019. So why doesn't the IC probe into the wild deer infected with Covid-19? Why doesn't the IC inquire into the highest death toll of COVID-19 cases in the U.S.? Why doesn’t the IC look into Fort Detrick with virus-leak records and the University of North Carolina studying coronavirus if the country really concurs with the “lab-leak” theory?

It's not clear what kind of origin tracing report the U.S. will release, but we do know that the Intelligence Community is good at fabricating and smearing.

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